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# LightHub is Flexible, Arduino-Mega/Arduino DUE/ESP8266 open-software and open-hardware SmartHome controller. [RU](https://geektimes.ru/post/295109/) [HOME-site RU](http://lazyhome.ru) It may operate both: * On [especially designed hardware board](http://www.lazyhome.ru/index.php/featurerequest) with 16 optocoupled digital inputs, 16 ESD protected digital/analog Inputs/outputs, 8 open-collector outputs (up to 0.5A/50V), DMX IN/OUT, MODBUS RTU and hardware 1-wire support circuit. * On plain Arduino MEGA 2560, Arduino DUE, ESP8266 and even on [Controllino](http://controllino.biz/) (Controllino and ESP8266 is not tested enough and in experimental stage yet)

Lighthub allows connecting together: * Contact sensors (switches, buttons etc) * 1-Wire temperature sensors (up to 20 on single bus) * Standard nonexpensive Relay board with TTL inputs, [like this](http://ali.pub/2zlosh) to control AC powered lamps, floor heaters, boilers etc * [Standard nonexpensive LED dimmers](http://ali.pub/2zlokp) and [AC DMX-512 dimmers](http://ali.pub/2zlont) * Modbus RTU devices (Currently, are deployed two types of Modbus devices: AC Dimmer and Ventilation set (Based on [Vacon 10 controller](http://files.danfoss.com/download/Drives/Vacon-10-Quick-Guide-DPD00714F1-UK.pdf)) * Simple DMX wall sensor panel [like this](http://ali.pub/2zlohe)

[List of non-expensive compatible components from AliExpress here](http://ppv.alipromo.com/custom/promo.php?hash=pjagwaovaero6vkeabjpkpvy4gznbgkc&landing_id=39661) ![alt text](LightHub.png «LightHub application diagram»)

Where is possible both, to configure local control/mapping between inputs and outputs (light, floor heating thermostats) and remote control from MQTT enabled software. At the moment, LightHub tested with following set of complementary free software: * [Openhab or Openhab2 Smarthome software](http://www.openhab.org/) Openhab provides own native mobile app both, for IoS and Android, and even allow you to use Apple's HomeKit to say «Siri, turn on light in bedroom» but requires some server to be installed (Raspberry PI with [Openhabian](https://docs.openhab.org/installation/openhabian) will good enough) * [HomeRemote mobile client](http://thehomeremote.com/) Home Remote mobile applicatios for IoS and Android requires just MQTT broker to be working. Any Cloud-based MQTT broker, like [CloudMQTT](https://www.cloudmqtt.com/) will enough to serve average household, even with free account. * [Node-Red](https://nodered.org/) Possibly, the best solution to deploy event-based authomation and scripting on top of MQTT/LightHub. The easy to use universal and visual tool to wire many different devices in single system. Having own Dashbord which allow control from web/mobile web, even without mobile apps (but excelent co-working with OpenHab and HomeRemote)

Scalability of Lighthub is virtually unlimited: Setup so many controllers you needed in most convenient places of your house - MQTT broker will allow controllers communicate each other and with Openhab/NodeRed/HomeRemote and propagate commands across network.

# [Please refer to our Wiki for insructions.](https://github.com/anklimov/lighthub/wiki/Configuring) * [Compiling and flashing](https://github.com/anklimov/lighthub/wiki/Compiling-and-flashing) * [Configuring](https://github.com/anklimov/lighthub/wiki/Configuring) * [Channel commands](https://github.com/anklimov/lighthub/wiki/Channel-commands) * [OpenHab integration](https://github.com/anklimov/lighthub/wiki/OpenHab--integration)

Finished portation of project to Arduino DUE and ESP8266 (ESP32 not tested).

Compiled image has been added to [compiled/](https://github.com/anklimov/lighthub/tree/master/compiled) folder. Flash your Mega 2560

```bash avrdude -v -V -patmega2560 -cwiring -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:firmware.hex:i ```

or flash your DUE (need to correct path and port, of course) ```bash /Users/<user>/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/bossac/1.6.1-arduino/bossac -i -d –port=cu.usbmodem1451 -U false -e -w -v -b firmware.bin -R ``` Note: binary images usually not up-to-date with recent code. The preferred way, to compile and upload firmware to your controller.

# Dependencies (quite big number of libs required. Use git clone to have your local copy in your Arduino libs folder) Please check updates for all dependences.

For patched libraries, appropriate GitHub repo URL provided:

* Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library https://github.com/anklimov/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library * DS2482_OneWire https://github.com/anklimov/DS2482_OneWire * FastLED * Wire (standard) * Artnet https://github.com/anklimov/Artnet.git * DmxSimple https://github.com/anklimov/DmxSimple (for AVR) or https://github.com/anklimov/ESP-Dmx (for ESP) or https://github.com/anklimov/DmxDue (for DUE) * HTTPClient (for AVR) https://github.com/anklimov/HTTPClient or https://github.com/arduino-libraries/ArduinoHttpClient for other platforms * aJson https://github.com/anklimov/aJson * CmdArduino https://github.com/anklimov/CmdArduino * EEPROM (standard for AVR) or DueFlashStorage for DUE: https://github.com/sebnil/DueFlashStorage * ModbusMaster https://github.com/anklimov/ModbusMaster * pubsubclient-2.6 * DMXSerial-master (for AVR) https://github.com/anklimov/DMXSerial * Ethernet https://github.com/anklimov/Ethernet * SPI (standard)

Portation from AVR Mega 2560 to SAM3X8E (Arduino DUE) done since v 0.96 and tested against Wiznet 5100 Ethernet shield and Wiznet 5500 Ethernet module

# Platforms specific details:

AVR version is basic, long tome in production and have all functions *DMX-out is software (DMXSimple) on pin3

SAM3X8E: (Tested. Recomended hardware at current moment) * default PWM frequency * both, DMX-in and DMX-out are hardware USART based. Use USART1 (pins 18 and 19) for DMX-out and DMX-in

ESP8266: (Developed but not tested in production) * DMX-OUT on USART1 TX * DMX-IN - not possible to deploy in ESP8266 * Modbus - disabled. Might be configured in future on USART0 instead CLI/DEBUG

since v. 0.97: Mega and DUE: Need to use compiler directive -D Wiz5500 and https://github.com/anklimov/Ethernet2 library to compile with Wiznet 5500 instead 5100

Prefered way to compile project is using platformio toolchain, suitable for Arduino Due, and Arduino Mega2560

# Due compilation issue «USART0_Handler redefinition» Please, open /variants/arduino_due_x/variant.cpp file, then add USART0_Handler method definition like this void USART0_Handler(void) attribute1);

The normal path to find this file in platformio is: .platformio/packages/framework-arduinosam/variants/arduino_due_x

# Platformio command line build instructions [First of all install platformio framework.]( http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/installation.html) [Good tutorial for fast start in RUSSIAN.](https://geektimes.ru/post/273852/)

In linux\OSX you can open terminal, navigate to your programming directory, then

```bash git clone https://github.com/anklimov/lighthub.git cd lighthub ``` now prepare project files for your IDE ```bash pio init –ide [atom|clion|codeblocks|eclipse|emacs|netbeans|qtcreator|sublimetext|vim|visualstudio|vscode] ``` Set custom build flags. first make your own copy of template ```bash cp build_flags_template.sh my_build_flags.sh ``` then edit, change or comment unnecessary sections and source it ```bash nano my_build_flags.sh source my_build_flags.sh ``` build and upload firmware for due|megaatmega2560|esp8266 board ```bash pio run -e due|megaatmega2560|esp8266 -t upload ``` Clean pio libraries folder. Try it if you have compilation problem: ```bash rm -Rf .piolibdeps ``` open COM-port monitor with specified baud rate ```bash platformio device monitor -b 115200 ```

# Custom build flags

* MY_CONFIG_SERVER= address of external JSON-config * WATCH_DOG_TICKER_DISABLE disable wdt feature * USE_1W_PIN=49 use direct connection to 1W devices on 49 pin, no I2C bridge DS2482-100 * SD_CARD_INSERTED enable sd-card support and fix lan starting * SERIAL_BAUD=115200 set baud rate for console on Serial0 * Wiz5500 Use Wiznet 5500 library instead Wiznet 5100 * DISABLE_FREERAM_PRINT disable printing free Ram in bytes * CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_MAC=de:ad:be:ef:fe:00 set firmware macaddress * DMX_DISABLE disable DMX support * MODBUS_DISABLE disable Modbus support * OWIRE_DISABLE disable OneWire support * ARTNET_ENABLE Enable Artnet protocol support * CONTROLLINO Change Modbus port, direction pins and Wiznet SS pins to be working on [Controllino](http://controllino.biz/) # Default compilation behavior: * Config server: lazyhome.ru * Watchdog enabled * 1-Wire communication with DS2482-100 I2C driver * No SD * Serial speed 115200 * Wiznet 5100 (for MEGA & DUE) * Free Ram printing enabled * de:ad:be:ef:fe:00 * DMX support enabled * Modbus support enabled * OneWire support enabled * Artnet disabled * Defailt MQTT input topic: /myhome/in * Default MQTT topic to publish device status: /myhome/s_out * Default Alarm output topic /alarm If you've using Arduino IDE to compile & flash firmware, it will use Default options above and you will not able to configure additional compilers options except edit «options.h» file

lighthub.1632036301.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2021/09/19 10:25 —